

Julie Marty-Pearson, PsyD

Julie Marty-Pearson, PsyD is a Podcaster and Coach for New & Aspiring Podcasters, who is passionate about helping others share their stories through podcasting. She has her doctorate in Organizational Psychology and  started her own business in 2019 to help other women going through career transitions and find professional paths they were passionate about. Now she supports others by starting their own podcasts just like she did with The Story of My Pet Podcast. Julie believes that everyone, especially women and non-binary people, have a story to tell and podcasting is the fastest way to share your story with the world. Through her coaching, she helps others to create and launch their podcasts. Julie started her second podcast, Podcast Your Story Now, to share her own experience as a podcaster, give tips and tricks for new and aspiring podcasters, and interview other female podcasters about their journeys in podcasting. Click the link to her website to learn more.